Efes – Meryemana Evi

The House of Virgin Mary is an important Christian pilgrimage site and tourist attraction located in Izmir, Turkey. The Virgin Mary in Christianity She is considered the mother of Jesus and the House of Virgin Mary is the place where Jesus is believed to have lived and ascended to heaven after his death.

The House of Virgin Mary was built in a house where the Virgin Mary allegedly spent her last years. According to belief, St. After the crucifixion of Jesus, the Virgin Mary and the saint John (Biblical John) came here. The Virgin Mary lived here and remembered the events up to the crucifixion and death of Jesus.

The House of the Blessed Virgin was discovered and restored by monks in the 19th century. According to belief, the Miracle of the Virgin Mary who lived here was experienced by some visitors.

The House of Virgin Mary can be visited at any time of the year and this holy place, which has an important place in Christianity, offers many things to the visitors in terms of history, culture and religion.